
  1. No matter how pro you get, it’s still a passion play- Enjoying the moment of shooting pictures it a tip that can improve anyone.
  2. Lighting is Everything- Lighting plays a role in the eyes and if done right, it will make an interesting photo.
  3. Establish your own compositional rules- Making your own compositional rules makes you better as a photographer with your own positioning of the subject.
  4. It’s all in the details- Details provide an excellent texture towards the subject or background.
  5. Shoot like a pro, think like a student- This gives you the ability to open up more and expand your learning.
  6. Sometimes auto is exactly what is needed- Using auto may get the job done when trying to shoot certain subjects.
  7. Be someone else for a while- Thinking like someone else expands your creativity.
  8. Using RAW mode- RAW mode provides more detail to your images.
  9. Experiment and Play- Experimenting in photography improve your skills and opens your knowledge.
  10. Learn by adjusting- Adjusting is a constant thing in life and will benefit you in photography.